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Re: My humble opinion about LDraw animation
lugnet.cad, lugnet.cad.ray, lugnet.animation
Tue, 30 Aug 2005 03:49:14 GMT
15705 times
Usability was a key issue - coders are coders, and designers/animator
rarely want to dive in to the low-level guts of a system. Those
wanting to animate here - should not have to either. If they want to
do advanced animations - then yes they do want to understand paths and
a little about splines, but they also be able to place a part at point
A in a gui, then go to the next keyframe and place it at point B - and
the software be able to handle something simple enough to interpolate
between those two keyframes. That should not require any scripting on
a users part, or a description language - it should be just point and

How are keyframes internally structured and saved to disk?  Are they
arrays, hashes, and how is the interpolation between keyframes
usually handled?  I haven't had time to research it myself, and I'm
not sure I would even be able to find the answer anyway.  I'm very
interested in learning because POV-Ray doesn't support keyframes and
if I could just write a simple script to parse an array/hash that
would probably make what I do easier on me.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: My humble opinion about LDraw animation
(...) First I should apologise if I sounded harsh - I have spent the last few months of my day-job dealing with a nightmare UI built by other coders with absolutely no end-user consultation. So I recognised similar patterns and had already gotten (...) (19 years ago, 30-Aug-05, to lugnet.cad, lugnet.cad.ray, lugnet.animation)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: My humble opinion about LDraw animation
On 27/08/05, Damien GUICHARD <> wrote: <snip> (...) <snip> First thing I should point out on this thread is that I *do* have experience developing tool for professional animation software, professional CAD software with (...) (19 years ago, 29-Aug-05, to lugnet.cad, lugnet.cad.ray, lugnet.animation)

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