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Re: My humble opinion about LDraw animation
Mon, 22 Aug 2005 17:18:02 GMT
1694 times
   I've had a basic animation system working in LeoCAD for a while, I
tried to do things as close to how 3DS works as I could since I didn't
have much experience with animations and I figured the guys at Discreet
know what they are doing (I'm not going get into a debate between Maya
and Max, I didn't have access to Maya at that time).

   You can set keyframes and animate the camera and move objects and
then the program will interpolate the position/rotation between them. I
was going to start working on a good GUI but then I decided it was more
important to focus my time on features that more users would like to
see, it would take a lot of work to get a good system in and people that
want to make animations seriously would just rather export the file and
use it in 3DS or Maya.


James Reynolds wrote:
First someone has to define the animation concepts by providing an animation
scripting language.

Take a look at Maya and Lightwave.  The concepts have been all thought out

If you want an LDraw animation package, you are first going to have a willing
programmer TEAM.  That is right, animation applications take teams of people to
write them.  Several individuals (myself included) attempted to do various
things with LDraw and have not produced very much.  Look what has been done with
Lightwave, and they didn't need the LDraw library either.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: My humble opinion about LDraw animation
(...) Take a look at Maya and Lightwave. The concepts have been all thought out already. (URL) you want an LDraw animation package, you are first going to have a willing programmer TEAM. That is right, animation applications take (...) (19 years ago, 22-Aug-05, to lugnet.cad)

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