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 CAD / 13216
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Re: My humble opinion about LDraw animation
Mon, 22 Aug 2005 20:20:23 GMT
2391 times
In lugnet.cad, Damien Guichard wrote:
In lugnet.cad, Stefan Gustavson wrote:
The LDraw file format, which is at the heart of it all,
is a static scene description language. I think we should
start attacking the problem there, and I would suggest
moving on to a more modern (but of course compatible)
file format, perhaps based on XML which has proven itself
in a large number of applications, quite a few of them
related to computer graphics.

XML has poor human-readibility.
The text format should be accepted before it has a GUI front-end, and that can
be only if it's readeable enough.
Anyway, who writes the interpreter decides the format.



Poor XML has poor human-readibility. XML in general is fine.
    10,12, 15

is quite readable.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: My humble opinion about LDraw animation
(...) XML has poor human-readibility. The text format should be accepted before it has a GUI front-end, and that can be only if it's readeable enough. Anyway, who writes the interpreter decides the format. Considerations, Damien (19 years ago, 22-Aug-05, to lugnet.cad)

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