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Re: My humble opinion about LDraw animation
Tue, 23 Aug 2005 18:21:56 GMT
2594 times
* i have supposed that any early adopter is a programmer, regarding your reply i
reconsider the question. may be programmers do programming and only animators do
animation, and they don't want to invest time in a programming language and even
less in a new programming language

Animators use Maya and Lightwave.

Then i will see if a similar replacement for Lani is demanded. If it's
not then i will consider whether fun drives me alone.

Your whole thread has got me thinking.  I am convinced you do not want to try to
extend LDraw to do animation and that POV-Ray already does what you want.

But that doesn't mean things can't be done to make POV-Ray easier to use.  I'll
be thinking about it, perhaps I could even make it easier on myself...


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: My humble opinion about LDraw animation
(...) That is a great idea. Why recreate the wheel when you can add a joystick instead? Tim (19 years ago, 23-Aug-05, to lugnet.cad)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: My humble opinion about LDraw animation
(...) Many thanks to you James, your experience is priceless to me. Before i attempt anything i will now carefully consider: * what POV-Ray can do * how it does * whether i can do easier/better * if people don't want to learn POV-Ray, then they (...) (19 years ago, 23-Aug-05, to lugnet.cad)

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