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Re: My humble opinion about LDraw animation
lugnet.cad, lugnet.cad.ray, lugnet.animation
Thu, 25 Aug 2005 12:26:46 GMT
14670 times
It appears from this discussion that methods already exist, its just
that they are not particularly easy to use or accessible.

Whatever solution we choose, we need to think about usability. I am a
developer, and even I dont like having pull things through 5 or 6
different command line programs just to get something done.

So whatever method, additional files formats, using POV or whatever, a
single API library could be built, and then incorporated into existing
UI's so non-developers can use it. If you still want a command line
app, then that could also be built around the same API (there might be
some developer types who want to use makefiles to build animations).

I would like to reach the stage where we can use something like MLCad
to build my design (and group it as MPD's - that is a good technique),
then use *the same tool* to build keyframes, and preview the animation
with OpenGL or DirectX based rendering. I can then hit an export
animation button, which will ask me (much like MAX) what resolution I
want, animation format, colour depth etc, and hit go - and it will
generate what it needs, render the file(might be time to go to work or
bed for a few hours), and when finished, offer me an option to play it
back now, or go back to the editor.

I might be asking too much - and it is early days yet, but by starting
with a wrapper API around the existing tools, and being aware of what
external tools and dependancies there are, it is an acheivable goal.
POV has libraries that can be built against instead of calling its
executable, but I am not so familiar with the other items in the tool

OrionRobots (I am going to use this for now on to avoid confusion with
the other Orion)

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: My humble opinion about LDraw animation
(...) Agreed. (...) Ewe!!! I'll just throw in here that doing animations from text files is possible. But it is a nightmare once you want anything slightly complicated. I re-rendered the start and end keyframes in the PCS Dogfight animation so many (...) (19 years ago, 26-Aug-05, to lugnet.cad, lugnet.cad.ray, lugnet.animation)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: My humble opinion about LDraw animation
(...) Unfortunately, I am very busy right now. Once again, I have to move and it sure takes its toll from my resources. But I'd like to repeat what I've said earlier on creating LDraw based animations. We have LD4D, we have POV-ray's support for (...) (19 years ago, 24-Aug-05, to lugnet.cad, lugnet.cad.ray, lugnet.animation)

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