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Re: My humble opinion about LDraw animation
Tue, 23 Aug 2005 04:45:47 GMT
2423 times
In lugnet.cad, Stefan Gustavson wrote:
In lugnet.cad, James Reynolds wrote:

Lightwave is only $895, which isn't that expensive (how much does Windows cost?
How much does Photoshop cost?  How much does Flash cost?  How much does
Dreamweaver cost?).

How much does Linux cost? How much does OpenOffice cost? How much
does Gimp cost? How much do thousands of titles of quite useful
free software cost? I think you are missing the point.

Yes, I must have.  I thought the point was that Damien wants a scripting
language to do animation.  And I keep trying to say POV-Ray is it.  Or something
comercial.  Don't try to reinvent the wheel like I did with Lani. Learn the
current offerings.

For a scripting language.

Free 3D modeling and animation software exists. Blender is not
a dream to learn (I have tried), but some very good stuff has
been produced with it, and you are kind of shooting yourself
in the foot by mentioning POV-Ray, which is also free and has
spawned some supporting free modeling and animation software.

Again, for a scripting language only, not something to give to teenagers.

I'm not displaying
works in progress that would probably blow your mind.

Ahem. This is an attitude that would put many people off.
Talking about the wonderful quality of unreleased work that
sits on your hard disk is about the least constructive thing
you can do in a public forum.

Sorry about that.  I wasn't trying to brag.  What I meant to convey is that
POV-Ray can already do everything you could want.  If I were better at math, I
would already have released the WIP's I'm refering to.  It is a bit hard, but
reinventing the wheel will be harder and put the whole effort years behind.

What it sounds like to me is that nobody wants to learn POV-Ray.  I can
understand, it took me years to be willing to give it a try, wasted a lot of
time on Lani and other projects.  But once I decided to learn POV-Ray, it was so
easy I feel stupid I didn't spend the time to learn it before.

And while it may be hard, there are people who do know how to use it and are
more than willing to help others.  Some have even gone as far as to make

I have gotten only one feedback from my tutorial, so I'm just assuming either I
wrote it poorly or people don't really want to learn it.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: My humble opinion about LDraw animation
(...) Many thanks to you James, your experience is priceless to me. Before i attempt anything i will now carefully consider: * what POV-Ray can do * how it does * whether i can do easier/better * if people don't want to learn POV-Ray, then they (...) (19 years ago, 23-Aug-05, to lugnet.cad)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: My humble opinion about LDraw animation
(...) How much does Linux cost? How much does OpenOffice cost? How much does Gimp cost? How much do thousands of titles of quite useful free software cost? I think you are missing the point. Professional software titles are often out of range for (...) (19 years ago, 22-Aug-05, to lugnet.cad)

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