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 Dear LEGO / 2346
2345  |  2347
Put the issue to bed (was: who's feelin the black pack?)
lugnet.starwars, lugnet.general, lugnet.dear-lego
Tue, 8 Aug 2000 21:29:51 GMT
331 times
In lugnet.starwars, Dave Schuler writes:
In lugnet.starwars, Sid Mark Dinsay writes:

ABS is NOT FLESH.  Lego minifigs are NOT REAL PEOPLE.  They live in LEGOLAND.
Any person trying to say that minifigs represent any particular group is
probably delving a little too much into the meaning of an imaginary world in
the hopes of playing the race card.

No one here is suggesting that ABS is flesh or that minifigs are real
people, but to assert that the Luke, Leia, Han, et al minifigs do not
represent a particular group is flatly incorrect.

And this is the problem with licensing movies, books, etc. If the main
character is to be "acurately" represented, there must be "colored" minifigs.
This has not been done with Star Wars to date. Luke Skywalker (as seen in the
movies) is not yellow as his minifig representation is.  TLG just needs to
come out with a yellow minifig labeled "Lando Calrissian" and put the whole
issue to bed.  They can then officially state that the yellow minifig is a pan-
racial representation of all human beings's varied skin tones.
Just imagine...

(FUT .off-topic.debate)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: who's feelin the black pack?
(...) No one here is suggesting that ABS is flesh or that minifigs are real people, but to assert that the Luke, Leia, Han, et al minifigs do not represent a particular group is flatly incorrect. Dave! (25 years ago, 8-Aug-00, to lugnet.starwars)

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