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Re: pictures at tracker
Wed, 5 Jun 2002 18:58:27 GMT
1234 times
In lugnet.cad, Steve Bliss writes:
In lugnet.cad, Don Heyse writes:
For now it sounds like you can work around it by skipping the -Q switch
for antialiased lines.  The Pics won't be quite as pretty, but should
be the right color.

OK, I'll do that.

Actually I think I've finally fixed this one.

I did some testing on and I think I fixed it by inserting
an extraneous glFlush() after all color changes.  This really looks
like a bug in the old version of Mesa on  I did a quick
search for glFlush and Mesa and turned up this quote:

  I found a work-around for your line clipping bug.  Insert a glFlush()
  call after glEnd().  Mesa tries to combine adjacent glBegin/glEnd
  primitives to improve vertex throughput.  You've uncovered a bug in
  the combining/clipping code.  By inserting glFlush() you'll force
  the primitive to be drawn right away, rather than later.

This sounds a lot like the workaround I came up with for my similar
problem.  However it also comes with this caveat:

  If you're running on a variety of OpenGL implementations you may
  want to avoid glFlush() for performance reasons.

I doubt this will be a performance problem when rendering offscreen,
but I wonder how it'll affect folks rendering to a remote X display.
I made it check specifically for Mesa versions less than 4, so the
fix shouldn't make the display any slower for Windows and Mac users.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: pictures at tracker
(...) Great! I'll try it out. :) Steve (23 years ago, 6-Jun-02, to lugnet.cad)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: pictures at tracker
(...) OK, I'll do that. Steve (23 years ago, 5-Jun-02, to lugnet.cad)

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