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 CAD / 8007
8006  |  8008
Re: pictures at tracker
Fri, 17 May 2002 15:46:36 GMT
926 times
Kyle McDonald wrote:

I'd be surprised if there was something a Linux box was missing ;)

Nothing is ever missing from my Linux systems, but I may
(more or less consiously :-) have decided that it should not
be there.

Do you have a job for a physicist with experience in:

* Complex systems (mostly turbulence experiments)
* Geoscience (a bit of oceanography and geology)
* Programming (mostly in Ada and Pascal)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: pictures at tracker
(...) So something could be written that would convert this to Make format or it could read the files themselves. (...) Yes, because the s/ is in the datfile, and if it was kept in the dependency file, Make would look for s/973s01.dat in all the (...) (23 years ago, 16-May-02, to lugnet.cad)

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