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Re: pictures at tracker
Wed, 15 May 2002 17:24:30 GMT
705 times
In lugnet.cad, Steve Bliss writes:
In lugnet.cad, Larry Pieniazek writes:
In lugnet.cad, Bernd Broich writes:
I have a suggestion about the tracker. Everytime when I search
for a part at the tracker I must download .dat file to see if
it's the right one. So I would suggest that there could be a
picture at the tracker. Not directly in the list but at the
detail page.
How far is this possible? And what is your oppinion about this?

I think this is a great idea. How well does it work for primitives and
subfiles, though?

It wouldn't be too hard to apply different zoom amounts, based on the file's
subdirectory.  It also might be nice to apply some other analysis to the
file being displayed - use a different scale/viewpoint for baseplates, zoom
in on very small parts, etc.

If this could be done it would really increase ease of use of the tracker.
Rather than putting it on the detail page though, I would suggest the Peeron
approach, a toggle to view with/without pics.

I'm not sure how useful this would be, unless permanently stored on the
server (or it could be a cookie, but I haven't worked with cookies yet).
Each detail page only displays 1 image.  So unless the server remembers the
user's option, it's going to revert to no-picture with every link the user

In that case, we might as well just make a separate link to the image.
Running with this a little further....

It could also be used on the list page(s).  Having a "show pictures yes/no"
option would be very good there.  And the "pictures=yes" page could be
length-limited, so only a few items at a time are listed.

Um I think I hit send too fast because I *was* talking about the list
page... the detail page probably should just always show the image but on
the list page, let the user toggle. Right now the list page is one big list
though, which is very convenient. Breaking it up into smaller pages to cut
down the number of images served up may not help because you're going to
scroll through them anyway, one after the other, right?

I guess why I think it's good on the list page is because I'm a visual
person, and I can scan (and recognise) visual images a lot faster than text.
I have been trying to vote on more parts but a lot of parts, from their
description alone, are unknown to me or at least I am not too sure what they
are. I have to go download the DAT, then say "welp, no, I don't know enough
about this part to vote on it" after I see what it is.

Of course you never should vote WITHOUT downloading and studying the DAT
closely. But why download ones that you aren't going to review?


Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: pictures at tracker
Here's a wacky idea for the detail page. Would anyone be interested in a java applet on the page where they could actually zoom in/out and rotate the part without DownLoading the Dat, or starting any other tools? I'm not sure how different this (...) (23 years ago, 15-May-02, to lugnet.cad)
  Technic Gears
The 24 and 40 tooth gears in my MLCad system are described as needing more work. I've got all the updates loaded and have run mklist. Are these parts being worked on? I hate to ask for this kind of thing, but I've had my head buried in the RCX for (...) (23 years ago, 15-May-02, to lugnet.cad)
  Re: pictures at tracker
(I thought I'd replied to this already, maybe I forgot to click Post? Or maybe this will be a duplicate...) (...) Ah, ok. That makes sense. (...) Yes and no. Serving up 500+ images on a single page could be considered counter-productive. I (...) (23 years ago, 15-May-02, to lugnet.cad)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: pictures at tracker
(...) It wouldn't be too hard to apply different zoom amounts, based on the file's subdirectory. It also might be nice to apply some other analysis to the file being displayed - use a different scale/viewpoint for baseplates, zoom in on very small (...) (23 years ago, 15-May-02, to lugnet.cad)

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