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Re: Signature Image Abuse
Fri, 30 May 2003 17:23:13 GMT
2037 times
In lugnet.admin.suggestions, Dan Boger wrote:
On Fri, May 30, 2003 at 02:20:53PM +0000, Tim Courtney wrote:
Also, with a signature feature implemented, people will probably be
more inclined to use that than paste in each time. If it's not
convenient for them to store more than x lines, they won't. So that
will deter abuse as it is.

it will allow a different kind of abuse.  If I put an image in my sig, I
can track who's reading my posts - just like  Not sure
if people are worried about the privacy implecations.


You can do that now by putting an image in you post


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Signature Image Abuse
(...) right - that was my point. The fact that you could put it in a sig is the same thing, only easier. Just wanted to point out something to consider when allowing inline images. Dan (22 years ago, 30-May-03, to lugnet.admin.suggestions)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Signature Image Abuse
(...) it will allow a different kind of abuse. If I put an image in my sig, I can track who's reading my posts - just like Not sure if people are worried about the privacy implecations. Dan (22 years ago, 30-May-03, to lugnet.admin.suggestions)

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