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Re: May-June 2000 Mania Magazine
Tue, 16 May 2000 11:56:21 GMT
1048 times
In lugnet.admin.general, Mike Stanley writes:

There was a time when I thought the only person who could come up with
something to meet most, if not all, of my auction/selling needs would be Todd
and LUGNET and I begged for the opportunity to sell my stuff through some sort
of LUGNET/AucZILLA interface.  I'd still be interested in the possibility, but
there are more opportunities for doing this sort of thing now ... and more
than one on the way.

Yup. Sometimes there is a lot to be said for getting things exactly perfect by
a horde of tiny changes and limited trials, but "better is the enemy of good
enough" and even in the hobby game there is such a thing as first mover
advantage. AucZILLA doesn't have it any more, unfortunately, although it did
once. First mover advantage is hard to overcome if you have it. Consider what
would need to be done to overcome Brickshelf's position in the scanned
instruction "market" or even in the "post your own pictures in a gallery
without a lot of fuss and bother" market. Practically unassailable.

Also I have reason to suspect that the way AucZILLA is implemented makes it not
very amenable to anyone other than Todd running it, anyway.

So while a good auction service can be a source of revenue to someone or some
set of someones, it already is. LUGNET should focus on the other parts of
the commerce puzzle that are hard and that no one is addresssing.

My opinion, anyway.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: May-June 2000 Mania Magazine
(...) sort (...) but (...) not (...) I think it is also fair to say that any major investment (time and/or money) in parts auctions may be rather short sighted given that Lego Direct is about to be thrust upon us. I very much doubt LD will be all (...) (25 years ago, 16-May-00, to lugnet.admin.general)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: May-June 2000 Mania Magazine
(...) I've stated before that I would be willing to pay a percentage on the gross totals of my sales/auctions to someone who can make it truly simple for me to automate the process. Just in what I've done year-to-date I'd estimate I would have be (...) (25 years ago, 16-May-00, to lugnet.admin.general)

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