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Re: May-June 2000 Mania Magazine
Mon, 15 May 2000 19:33:58 GMT
690 times
In lugnet.admin.general, Todd Lehman writes:
In lugnet.admin.general, Scott Arthur writes:
b) Lego Funds Lugnet

LEGO does not fund LUGNET.

Well what did they fund with the payment they gave? It thought it was for
Lugnet? (Accept that you may not wish to divulge this.)

"LUGNET is grateful for the generous gifts of its donors, which help it to
thrive, grow, and offer new and exciting information and services."

Sounds like funding?

Two statements are shown below.  One is true and one is false.

(1)  Lego Funds Lugnet  (***FALSE***)

(2)  Brad Justus, on behalf of the LEGO Company, made a financial donation to
    LUGNET in April, 2000.  (***TRUE***)

So what did they _fund_ with their donation? Does the donation not indicate
that they support the aims of Lugnet, and endorse it as an entity? Or do they
have a record of giving donations to organisation whose aims they do not
support? The welcome statement, is not 100% clear in my opinion. It does not
have to be 100% clear, in my opinion – I just think it should be.

“Note: LEGO has recently made a "no strings attached" financial donation not
believed to constitute sponsorship or endorsement in the legal sense.”

I have not seen anything which substantiates this statement – but I have not
trawled through all the posts on this subject.  I am not even convinced that
the words above have any different meaning in a “legal sense” – but I am open
to persuasion this.

Scott A


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: May-June 2000 Mania Magazine
(...) Why do you insist on being so dense? Many people, including myself, have explained the difference between funding and donating to a cause. Yes, *in spirit* Brad Justus and Lego Direct would seem to "support Lugnet". No, in a *financial sense*, (...) (25 years ago, 15-May-00, to lugnet.admin.general)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: May-June 2000 Mania Magazine
(...) Two statements are shown below. One is true and one is false. (1) Lego Funds Lugnet (***FALSE***) (2) Brad Justus, on behalf of the LEGO Company, made a financial donation to LUGNET in April, 2000. (***TRUE***) There is an extremely big (...) (25 years ago, 15-May-00, to lugnet.admin.general)

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