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Re: Compressionism (D&RGW coach set)
Tue, 5 Apr 2005 21:01:11 GMT
5966 times
Christopher Masi wrote:

Oh yeah, this weekend I
discovered that you can "damn the shubbery" but you cannot really damn
the 7-foot tall building with a 10-wide platform entrance. Prying the
last car back out was fun.

Better that way than having several clubmembers coming to you asking what
that stupid big engine did to their trackside structures.

(I was the only 8-wide builder at the time and built my engines big, heavy
and as overpowered as possible :D )
Jan-Albert van Ree   |

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  Re: Compressionism (D&RGW coach set)
(...) Ugh, I can't stand it. We just had a layout that used c-s-c-s-c-s-c to avoid a track overlap, and I felt like puking as the trains went bobbing through it. I can only imagine how those poor minifigs felt. As for the 8-wide debate, we all know (...) (19 years ago, 5-Apr-05, to lugnet.trains)

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