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Re: GUI LUGNET streaming news client in Java (Was: Pseudo-streaming live news (was: Re: Monitor Page))
Sat, 1 Apr 2000 07:13:58 GMT
! (details)
2535 times
In, Dan Boger writes:
I was thinking of how we could remotely vote...  perhaps if there was a cgi
on lugnet that would accept remote votes, authunticating with the same code
that's on the cookie...  then to vote, the newsreader will have to send
something like "GET
and it'll vote for you...

that make sense?

Nope, that would put sensitive data into the httpd logs!

Gonna hafta pass your cookie the regular way, not part of GET.

In addition to your cookie, here's what you wanna send via HTTP POST to
/news/rate.cgi, basically:


For example:

Also, please set the referring page (HTTP_REFERER) to the empty string so
that your HTTP request results in a very tiny confirmation page rather than
a normal article-view page.

It also might be a good idea to spool up your outgoing ratings and only
dispatch them to rate.cgi after collecting a few (say, 5 or 10) data points
or after 2-3 minutes have passed, whichever happens first.  (You'll want
the part that calls rate.cgi to be on a separate thread anyway so that your
main UI thread stays responsive.)

What keys are you guys using for making ratings?  It might be kinda neat to
be able to hit the number keys "1" through "9" for 10 through 90, and "0"
and ")" for 0 and 100...and have it advance to the next article on that
single keystroke...?


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: GUI LUGNET streaming news client in Java (Was: Pseudo-streaming live news (was: Re: Monitor Page))
On Sat, 1 Apr 2000 07:13:58 GMT "Todd Lehman" <> wrote concerning 'Re: GUI LUGNET streaming news client in Java (Was: Pseudo-streaming live news (was: Re: Monitor Page))': (...) hmmm... good point - though doesn't the login cgi end (...) (25 years ago, 3-Apr-00, to
  Re: GUI LUGNET streaming news client in Java (Was: Pseudo-streaming live news (was: Re: Monitor Page))
(...) Oh! Two other thing about the above... First, don't worry about passing multiple data points for a single article -- only the last one listed is used. The simplest thing to do for queueing up outgoing ratings is probably just to write them out (...) (25 years ago, 3-Apr-00, to  

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: GUI LUGNET streaming news client in Java (Was: Pseudo-streaming live news (was: Re: Monitor Page))
In, Jeremy H. Sproat writes: bite? (...) or, have it connect to your spooling message server... (...) nope, though Todd said it's possible to have it in the avid.cgi output... I was thinking of how we could remotely vote... (...) (25 years ago, 29-Mar-00, to

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