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Re: GUI LUGNET streaming news client in Java (Was: Pseudo-streaming live news (was: Re: Monitor Page))
Wed, 29 Mar 2000 18:04:12 GMT
2499 times
Richard Franks wrote:
In, Jeremy H. Sproat writes:
Wow.  Not one reply.  Two people (including myself) gave the original message
a score of 100, though.  Did anyone download and try the client?
I did, although I was too ashamed to admit that I couldn't get it working..

BTW, did you see any kind of output indicating an error, such as a stack
trace?  If so, could you please e-mail it to me or post it here?

- jsproat

Jeremy H. Sproat <> ~~~
Card-carrying member of the Star-Bellied Sneech Preservation Society

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: GUI LUGNET streaming news client in Java (Was: Pseudo-streaming live news (was: Re: Monitor Page))
(...) Nah, nothing as heinous as a stack error - it was the NoDefClass (?) error - basically it wasn't finding the ice stuff. I have some free time tomorrow - so I *will* get it working, and post a fix here.. it's probably something *really* simple. (...) (25 years ago, 29-Mar-00, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: GUI LUGNET streaming news client in Java (Was: Pseudo-streaming live news (was: Re: Monitor Page))
(...) I did, although I was too ashamed to admit that I couldn't get it working.. (linux) I tried (actually, I'm in win at the moment so I can't remember the exact filename names!): $ java -jar gui_streaming_client.jar (couldn't find the ice html (...) (25 years ago, 29-Mar-00, to  

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