Re: Not Saving Private Ryan.
Fri, 4 Jun 2004 08:35:24 GMT
781 times
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But back then, the USA were not getting implicated
in foreign affairs (good ol times...) and France and GB cowered in front of
Hitler, leaving him the time and oppoirtunity to strike.
Hitler aside, in 1939 Germany had the most impressive military machine the world
had ever seen. However, I dont believe the GB cowered; if anything we took the
fight to Germany. We (with the help of our allies) moved on from Dunkirk in
May/June 1940 to engage the Axis in North Africa in September of the same
year... at the same time as winning the
Battle of Britain.
Instead of celebrating the day we won the war, we should cry
the day we let the war happen.
Ive no idea what is happening in the USA, but in the UK we are having D-Day
commemorations not celebrations. We will reflect on the deaths on both
This is
worth reading.
Scott A
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| | Re: Not Saving Private Ryan.
| (...) Yeah. I cried too. I suddendly realized I was the same species as those butchers who sent men get butchered there that day. Both sides. If Europe and N. America had solved the problem with diplomacy BEFORE it got out of hand, none of this (...) (20 years ago, 4-Jun-04, to
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