Re: Not Saving Private Ryan.
Mon, 31 May 2004 12:25:00 GMT
1039 times
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> HUGE difference, don't try to pave it over in your
> rah-rah-Bush-can-do-no-wrong-in-Iraq-claptrap.
I managed to catch the start of a dedication ceremony for your WW2 war memorial
on Saturday evening. The whoops which greeted Bush, on what I expected to be a
reflective event, forced me to switch channel... It may be a cultural thing, but
I cant imagine a crowd greeting the Queen or Tony B.Liar in such a way at such
a ceremony.
Q. Why has it taken so long for this memorial be dedicated?
Scott A
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: Not Saving Private Ryan.
| (...) The folks that 'whooped it up' should be ashamed of themselves. I read it as 'scoring political points' by showing avid support for Dubya, instead of being, as Scott said, 'reflective', with thoughts of the past and those that sacrificed (...) (21 years ago, 31-May-04, to
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: Not Saving Private Ryan.
| (...) Actually, in this case, you're wrong and (shudder), Scott is right. This is NOT semantics. "Made sacrifices" pertains to the Iraqi people as a whole. "Were sacrificed" pertains to the ones actually killed. HUGE difference, don't try to pave it (...) (21 years ago, 30-May-04, to
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