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Re: This just came across my desk... Iraqi Questions
Wed, 19 Mar 2003 23:55:57 GMT
378 times
In, Dave Schuler writes:

I am not denying the following...

The clear motivation for abandoning the vote was to avoid
having to admit that a majority of the council does NOT support US
bloodlust, at least not sufficiently to vote yea on the record.

but you must admit the truth of the following...

The 10 non permanent members are essentially random. Let me pick them and
I'll give you 10 votes in favour... or 10 against. And that's true for just
about any resolution you'd care to come up with.

The UN is broken. The Security Council is especially broken.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: This just came across my desk... Iraqi Questions
(...) It's broken because of USA. This war proves that USA should be disarmed once and for all. Enough with USA's permanent wars. For over 50 years now USA has been the terror regime holding the world on the brink of a nuclear war. USA should be (...) (22 years ago, 20-Mar-03, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: This just came across my desk... Iraqi Questions
(...) Allow me to paraphrase: When will the Left and the UN stop participating in democratic debate and simply accept what the Right says on blind faith with no (or in spite of) evidence? (...) What you don't seem to understand is that even the Left (...) (22 years ago, 19-Mar-03, to

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