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 Off-Topic / Debate / 19486
19485  |  19487
Re: Gulf of understanding is mutual
Wed, 19 Mar 2003 20:02:55 GMT
350 times
In, Dave Schuler writes:

You know, that's absolutely right.  Why, just last week Saddam broke into
my house and stole my Oreos.  I'll feel much better knowing that we
destroyed six decades worth of international diplomacy so that Americans can
be distracted from our shattered economy for a little while.  I'd also watch
for Dubya et al (watch out for Santorum the Theocrat, among other
conservatives) to push for a wide range of radical pro-corporate,
anti-environmental, pro-Christian policies while we're all looking the other
way.  And anyone who bothers to mention that these things are going on will
be criticized for "failing to support the troops."

Take the Oreos, Cremewiches are where it's at!

And how dare you criticize President Bush during a war!  You are failing to
support our troops, you traitor tot!  America, love it or leave it; impeach
Earl Warren; reverse discrimination; liberal media; their poisoning our
precious bodily fluids (alarums and excusions, frothing, foaming, ranting
and raving, stage right)...


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Gulf of understanding is mutual
(...) -->Bruce<-- you are finally coming around! ;-) JOHN (22 years ago, 19-Mar-03, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Gulf of understanding is mutual
(...) We all accept that the election is over (thank you, Papa Bush, Jeb, Katherine, and Dubya), but what Conservatives don't seem to recognize is that Dubya was not elected by a majority. I can accept that we have a president who was appointed to (...) (22 years ago, 19-Mar-03, to

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