Re: Gulf of understanding is mutual
Wed, 19 Mar 2003 18:07:42 GMT
209 times
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In, Larry Pieniazek writes:
> Just so you know, while Derbyshire is for it, I'm against the war that will
> apparently be underway in 9.5 hours, but if it starts, I want it won, and
> won quickly.
The difference between Dubya-Dubya III and Desert Storm may well be that in
the latter, the Iraqi soldiers knew they were in the wrong in the first
place and didn't have any heart in holding Kuwait. This time it is about
defending Iraq and we may see a more determined defense: Whacking a
retreating army and prying one out of a city is vastly different. Much
swings on the perception and morale of the Iraqi troops - we could just roll
over them if they have no will to fight, but I'm not convinced of that.
Expect the usuals for desert warfare: blinding fast movement until you run
into some form of big obstacle such as a city or large natural formation.
Regardless of that, the war will be a diplomatic failure of the first
magnitude. Good luck getting anyone to cooperate on Al Qaeda now. The
alliance with France has been done great harm (and Chirac had been trying to
improve relations with the U.S.). Rightly or wrongly, U.S. intentions are
viewed with great skepticism: Dubya has managed to destroy all the goodwill
this country has and make us the Ugly Americans. Saudi Arabia is running
from this as fast as they can (watch the funds flowing to Al Qaeda through
Saudi Arabia increase). After finally getting some action out of the UN the
last decade or so, Dubya has trashed that. Post-war Iraq will satisfy no
one, even those it ostensibly helps.
What we need to do (and the world would applaud and approve this) is make a
mutual and emminently fair sacrifice: Iraq exiles Saddam and sons, and the
US does the same with Bush senior and sons. Who's with me!?! :-)
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: Gulf of understanding is mutual
| (...) Why would they risk their lives to save Saddam's ass? (...) Or like an unleashing of a chemical/biological agent. (...) This assertion is patently false. The dirty little secret is that Al Qaeda is the enemy of ALL Muslims. Even if Al Qaeda (...) (22 years ago, 19-Mar-03, to
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Gulf of understanding is mutual
| A good article from an expat Brit (now a US citizen) (URL) favorite quote: 'In off-topic.debate a year and a half ago, I was talking to one of my Canadian friends about the United States Constitution. He waved away the Constitution with a laugh. (...) (22 years ago, 19-Mar-03, to
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