Re: AFOLs as cheapskates
Sun, 14 Jan 2001 23:56:23 GMT
481 times
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In, Erik Olson writes:
> When was the last time you bought a new set at regular price?
The last (and one of the few - maybe 1 or 2) time I did this was a couple
months ago when I was late for dinner with some friends and remembered that
one of their daughters had a birthday the next day. I snagged a Duplo set
off the shelf at Wal-Mart and paid full price for it.
> When LEGO comes out with good stuff, do you think "I can't wait
> for the clearance sale!" -- but you wait, hoping to make a killing?
Oh course.
> Should LEGO pay attention to the AFOL market share when we are
> such bottom feeders?
I think Lego makes the same from set XXXX that Wal-Mart sells whether
Wal-Mart sells it at full price or 75% off. I could be wrong.
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: AFOLs as cheapskates
| (...) That may well be true. On the other hand, if Wal-Mart doesn't sell the sets at full price, and they have to clearance them out, then they will probably order less from LEGO next time around, and LEGO makes less anyway. J (24 years ago, 15-Jan-01, to
Message is in Reply To:
 | | AFOLs as cheapskates
| When was the last time you bought a new set at regular price? When LEGO comes out with good stuff, do you think "I can't wait for the clearance sale!" -- but you wait, hoping to make a killing? Should LEGO pay attention to the AFOL market share when (...) (24 years ago, 14-Jan-01, to
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