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Re: More name ideas
Mon, 18 Oct 1999 12:11:55 GMT
3860 times
In, Ashley Glennon writes:
Here are some more proposed names for our nameless Lego group:

UTACS--Utah tube and clutch society
SLLUG--Salt Lake Lego Users Group ("SLUG")
DBUG--Deseret Brick Users Group
ULUG--Utah Lego Users Group
ULEC--Utah Lego Enthusiasts Club
ULC--Utah Lego Corps
UBC--Utah Brick Club
GUFOL--Greater Utah Fans of Lego
UBC--Uintah or Utah Brick Club
WALEC--Wasatch area Lego enthusiasts club
BSLC--Beehive State Lego Club
DBL--Deseret Brick Lovers

My favorites from this list are:
UTACS and SLLUG.  I like the potential of "Slugnet."

Congrats on a great meeting and what appears to be another strong LEGO group.

If I may throw in my 2 cents worth here as far as a name goes.  There are
currently 3 general LEGO User Groups or "LUG's" in existance (BayLUG, NELUG,
and GMLUG) and while no one has officially made a standard of "LUG" being part
of the name it seems that we are starting to adopt an unoffical standard.
Having "LUG" as part of your name would be very nice in terms of having
consistancy between our groups and give the impression of a larger network of
groups that is developing.

My suggestions for your name would be either of the following...

SLLUG--Salt Lake LEGO Users Group
UTLUG--Utah LEGO Users Group

Of course I am not from Utah and you can choose your name as you wish but it
would be nice to have some uniformity (Makes us look all the more organized
which can't hurt).

Eric Kingsley

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The New England LEGO Users Group

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: More name ideas
(...) Ahhhh, I like SLLUG! And next to a lake absolutely *filled* with salt... :-, SLLUGNET is really cool too. (...) Well, I don't speak for the others, but I'm decidedly anti-uniform. I'm not against the idea of calling ourselves a "LUG", but (...) (25 years ago, 18-Oct-99, to,,

Message is in Reply To:
  More name ideas
Here are some more proposed names for our nameless Lego group: UTACS--Utah tube and clutch society SLLUG--Salt Lake Lego Users Group ("SLUG") DBUG--Deseret Brick Users Group ULUG--Utah Lego Users Group ULEC--Utah Lego Enthusiasts Club ULC--Utah Lego (...) (25 years ago, 18-Oct-99, to,,

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