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RE: On Hiatus
lugnet.people, lugnet.general
Sat, 9 Mar 2002 19:31:09 GMT
111 times
Jude Beaudin writes:
In lugnet.people, Rico Lovelace writes:
          What a waste.

To highlight a post about someone's hiatus?!?

I think it is a case of why he is leaving that got it
highlighted not so much that he is leaving. Tim was a great
advocate for LUGNET and it is very disturbing that he feels
he has to walk away for a while.

IMO, the problem is that people seem to think the noise is more
important than the content.  To me, the content on LUGNET is the MOCs
and the related building discussion.  Noise is people bickering about
why they can't get along...which leads to posts like Tim's.  I agree
with Rico...the noise really shouldn't get highlighted.  I think there's
a real problem when Tim's post gets 8 spotlights, and an awesome MOC has
a hard time getting 4.
I think people should take a moment to look at what they think LUGNET is
about, and then try to stick to that ideal in their own actions.
Just my .02,

(I realize that *this* post isn't what I think LUGNET should be
about...maybe I should unsubscribe from everything but .build...)

Bram Lambrecht

Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: On Hiatus
(...) Definitely. What is happening to Lugnet anyway? (...) Hmm...The community should really think about this. What exactly Is Lugnet and why was it instated? I'll tell you. Lugnet is the medium for Lego fans like you and me to discuss matters (...) (23 years ago, 9-Mar-02, to lugnet.people, lugnet.general)
  Re: On Hiatus
(...) [...] (...) Thank-you, Bram. My thoughts exactly... -Suz (23 years ago, 10-Mar-02, to lugnet.people, lugnet.general) !! 
  Re: On Hiatus
(...) People who spotlight messages should think carefully about the type of posts they think are appropriate for the LUGNET shop window: ie "Top Stories" on Although Tim is well meaning, I really doubt his melodramatics belong there. (...) (23 years ago, 11-Mar-02, to lugnet.people, lugnet.general)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: On Hiatus
(...) I think it is a case of why he is leaving that got it highlighted not so much that he is leaving. Tim was a great advocate for LUGNET and it is very disturbing that he feels he has to walk away for a while. (...) It does to some of us who have (...) (23 years ago, 9-Mar-02, to lugnet.people, lugnet.general)

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