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 CAD / Development / 5730
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Re: Ldraw.organization (was: License revision 1)
Fri, 15 Dec 2000 20:00:41 GMT
1260 times
Steve Bliss wrote:

I think it would be sufficient if we officially accept our somewhat
anarchic approach.  Basically, we could have (appoint, elect) specific
officer positions, such as 'server admin', 'primary evangelist', 'parts
library administrator', 'innocent bystander'.  The group of officers would
comprise the ' committee', who would have to responsibility of
keeping things going, and possibly deciding on issues.  There wouldn't be
any ruling hierarchy[1] -- all officers would be on an equal level.

  This is something that confuses me, sometimes you say and
sometimes LCAD organization. I'd rather see things going in the
direction of an "LCAD organization", I know that currently LDraw
accounts for most of what we call LCAD but I don't like to see things
centered around a program. What happens if one day we change to another
program ?

  Let's face it, the current file format is not friendly to 3D hardware
and sooner or later we will want to change to something better. For
example: we still use vectors instead of textures to draw patterns, if
we were using textures we would have many more patterned parts available
right now (and they would be rendered faster too).


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Ldraw.organization (was: License revision 1)
"Leonardo Zide" <> wrote in message (...) That's true. There should be a gradual shift in naming to 'LCAD Organization' rather than, etc [1]. Eventually LCAD *will* change to (...) (24 years ago, 15-Dec-00, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Ldraw.organization (was: License revision 1)
(...) I think it would be sufficient if we officially accept our somewhat anarchic approach. Basically, we could have (appoint, elect) specific officer positions, such as 'server admin', 'primary evangelist', 'parts library administrator', 'innocent (...) (24 years ago, 15-Dec-00, to

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