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 Castle / 16993
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Re: Castle Fun
Thu, 29 May 2003 23:15:48 GMT
746 times

   What is the name of your fantasy world/country?
Falcon Island: the birth place of the falcon lords and the military capital of the falcon empire
Very good choice! Though you poor boy didn’t even live, when the Black Falcons ruled the Legoland Burgenland. :-)

   What is a project you’d like to do but just don’t have the bricks?
A whole black falcon fortified town with keep, houses, a wall, attacking forces etc...
Yeah! Bring the Dominion of the Black Falcons back to life!

Bye, Jojo

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Castle Fun
(...) Micheal Hassall (...) 14 and could be the youngest poster in lugnet (...) Im just starting my G.C.S.E's and trying to make some money to buy lego, miniture wargames, computer games and more lego (...) Nope! (...) Falcon Island: the birth place (...) (21 years ago, 29-May-03, to lugnet.castle, FTX)

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