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 Castle / 16944
16943  |  16945
Re: Castle Fun
Thu, 22 May 2003 18:56:57 GMT
704 times
In lugnet.castle, Johannes Koehler writes:

Favorite Personal MOC?
My favourite MOC is not a castle or any castle-related building but this
contractor's shed:

I'd go with Johannes' cathedral:
The decision to to a small slice of the cathedral in great detail was a really
good one.  I really love the long vertical lines of this.  In the great
cathedrals of Europe one thing that really strikes you is the vast sweep of the
ceiling, tall columns, etc.  This model captures that well.  Oh, I also really
like the Canterbury Murder variation you did:
Also, the mill is an outstanding creation:
Lots of details bring this one to life.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Castle Fun
Hello! (...) Johannes 'Jojo' Koehler (...) I'm nearer to my 50th birthday than to the day of my birth. But not much. (...) Don't have a real life. (...) Not very original: (URL)What is the name of your fantasy world/country? 'My Life' (...) 6067 (...) (21 years ago, 22-May-03, to lugnet.castle)

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