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 Castle / 16962
16961  |  16963
Re: Castle Fun
Mon, 26 May 2003 14:17:31 GMT
640 times
Hi Micah,

What would you like TLG to do with the castle line?
I think it would be cool if TLC did some Castle themed "Designer Sets".
There would be The Dragon Builder Set, with special fabric pieces for the
wings. The Forestmen Builder Set, which would give kids an endless amount of
tree house designs. And of course The Castle Builder Set, buy 1 to make a
small castle 2 to make a larger one and so on.

Now that is a good idea!  Since Lego is currently making designer sets, this
is actually a possibility.  I would be really excited about something like this!


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Castle Fun
(...) Micah D. Berger (...) 16 (...) I'm not sure if thats what the question means but..... Oh well school, work, drama and lurking about lugnet. (...) I haven't decided which minifig would work the best but when I decide (and get my scanner figured (...) (21 years ago, 25-May-03, to lugnet.castle)

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