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 Castle / 16970
16969  |  16971
Re: Castle Fun
Wed, 28 May 2003 01:39:06 GMT
707 times
Details like stairs and interior access have been among the challenges that
I've tried to meet when building something. I like the sense that something
is "realistic", in as much as you can move characters around as if they were
walking themselves.

I still fall way short on interior detailing (ie furniture, fixtures, etc.)
but I take inspiration from what others have created.

Thanks for noticing the details that I have managed to include. I like that
my 7yr old daughter can play with my creations. Minifigs aren't quite
Barbie's but she's able to create her own playworld and stories. That's fun
to see.


In lugnet.castle, Bruce Hietbrink writes:
In lugnet.castle, Alan Findlay writes:

Favorite Personal MOC?
So far:
City Gate -

I agree, that's a nice design.  I also like how you added some oft-missed
details like stairs up to the upper tower and the little guardhouse inside
the gate.

I do really like your keep, too:
My favorite detail is how the different modules swing open for interior access.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Castle Fun
(...) details like stairs up to the upper tower and the little guardhouse inside the gate. I do really like your keep, too: (URL) favorite detail is how the different modules swing open for interior access. Bruce (21 years ago, 27-May-03, to lugnet.castle)

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