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 Castle / 16959
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Re: Castle Fun
Sun, 25 May 2003 16:11:58 GMT
717 times
There is even evidence that some black walls had dragon's painted on them
and some possibly had pillars painted on them as well.  There is some
controversy over this however.  The early yellow walls were actually early
grey walls that were left out in the sun too long and faded.  They were left
out in the sun because it takes forever to build something out of actual
bricks.  Some historians believe that this is the reason that the larger
grey walls were used in later castles.

Josh :)

In lugnet.castle, Stephen Wroble writes:
In lugnet.castle, John P. Henderson writes:

What?  Castles had walls in real life?  Where did you get this crazy idea?
I thought they all consisted of pre-shaped ground, trap-doors, and ghosts.

Any true scholar can testify that at one time, castles did in fact have walls.
They were 5 studs wide and 5 bricks high and had a window cut in them. They
were either black or grey and some of them had rocks painted on them.

Before that, they were made out of plain bricks, and were yellow for some


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Castle Fun
(...) Any true scholar can testify that at one time, castles did in fact have walls. They were 5 studs wide and 5 bricks high and had a window cut in them. They were either black or grey and some of them had rocks painted on them. Before that, they (...) (21 years ago, 25-May-03, to lugnet.castle)

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