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 Castle / 16939
16938  |  16940
Re: Castle Fun
Thu, 22 May 2003 18:24:54 GMT
644 times
In lugnet.castle, Anthony Sava writes:

Favorite Personal MOC?
For right now, though, my
favorite MOC of mine would have to be the Griffon:

Hey all,

Just a suggestion--maybe it would be interesting if we gave feedback to
eachother on our own favorites out of people's MOCs.  It might be interesting.

Just for my thoughts on Anthony's work, while the Dragons are what stand out
the most, I would also add the Tower of Olyian:
Those colored spires are what really make this feel wizard-y to me.
I also really like the entrance to the Dragon Temple:
Those katanas as fangs are very clever.  This has a great evil look.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Castle Fun
(...) Anything to kill the time ;) (...) Anthony "The Lego Bandito" Sava (...) 24 in the middle of July (...) I'm a bum living off my parents since last May trying to find employment. My fiancee' is going to college two hours away. On a good note, I (...) (21 years ago, 21-May-03, to lugnet.castle)

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