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 Castle / 16963
16962  |  16964
Re: Castle Fun
Tue, 27 May 2003 01:31:04 GMT
716 times
In lugnet.castle, Alan Findlay writes:

Favorite Personal MOC?
So far:
City Gate -

I agree, that's a nice design.  I also like how you added some oft-missed
details like stairs up to the upper tower and the little guardhouse inside
the gate.

I do really like your keep, too:
My favorite detail is how the different modules swing open for interior access.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Castle Fun
Details like stairs and interior access have been among the challenges that I've tried to meet when building something. I like the sense that something is "realistic", in as much as you can move characters around as if they were walking themselves. (...) (21 years ago, 28-May-03, to lugnet.castle)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Castle Fun
(...) Alan Findlay (...) 41. So far I'm the oldest in this thread!! I don't feel that old, and my wife and daughter will tell you that sometimes I certainly don't act that old! (...) Missionary, in full-time administrative service. Other hobbies (...) (21 years ago, 23-May-03, to lugnet.castle)

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