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 Castle / 16956
16955  |  16957
Re: Castle Fun
Fri, 23 May 2003 18:34:30 GMT
674 times
In lugnet.castle, Stephen Wroble writes:
This was a good idea Lenny.


AND go back to making castles with a little more historical accuracy. For
instance, they could make castles that actually HAVE WALLS IN THEM! (Sorry, I
had to get that off my chest.)

What?  Castles had walls in real life?  Where did you get this crazy idea?
I thought they all consisted of pre-shaped ground, trap-doors, and ghosts.

AND TLC should stop the whole "good guy, bad guy" thing and let us decide who
is who.

Agreed.  I think Lego® inspires a lot of creativity building-wise, but the
trend to promote sets through predesigned storylines restricts the true
freedom of creativity in play and storytelling.  Those of us who collected
in the 1980's have been known to develop entire worlds and stories (as
indicated by one of the other questions on this quiz).  It is nice to see
how each of us interpreted the BF or Crusaders or whoever differently in our
stories.  If we all started with preset good and bad, we all would have
ended up with similar stories.  I prefer it when it is more open to variety.
(Limitless Possibilities, the old marketing phrase, was not just about

-Hendo, who is reading this thread backwards for some reason...

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Castle Fun
(...) Any true scholar can testify that at one time, castles did in fact have walls. They were 5 studs wide and 5 bricks high and had a window cut in them. They were either black or grey and some of them had rocks painted on them. Before that, they (...) (21 years ago, 25-May-03, to lugnet.castle)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Castle Fun
This was a good idea Lenny. (...) Stephen Wroble (...) 50 - older even than Alan Findlay, but playing with LEGO keeps me young. (...) I'm a college professor, I teach computer graphics and multimedia production. That's why there's so much Flash (...) (21 years ago, 23-May-03, to lugnet.castle)

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