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 Castle / 16974
16973  |  16975
Re: Castle Fun
Wed, 28 May 2003 12:58:44 GMT
768 times
Blackburrow is a place in the Everquest computer game. Just outside Queynos
I seem to remember. Its been a while since I was there. The snake pit is on
lvl 2 if anyone really cares :)

James Stacey
Lugnet Member #925
I'm a citizen of Legoland travellin' Incommunicado

ps. I dont play everquest anymore , it sucks up too much Lego building time

"Richard Noeckel" <> wrote in message
In lugnet.castle, Richard Noeckel writes:
Favorite Others MOC?
Black Burrow Snake Pit

In lugnet.castle, Bruce Hietbrink writes:
Looks like something out of Moria.

Yup, my thoughts exactly!
(A good rendition of Tolkens work IMO)

but I'd never seen this one before.  Very cool.

That's great!
(I was hoping that nobody came across his new creations.)
Precisely why I choose this image!!!

That guy does amazing work,

And so do you.I'm a fan of both your works!   :-)


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Castle Fun
(...) Yup, my thoughts exactly! (A good rendition of Tolkens work IMO) (...) That’s great! (I was hoping that nobody came across his new creations.) Precisely why I choose this image!!! (...) And so do you…I'm a fan of both your works! :-) (...) (21 years ago, 27-May-03, to lugnet.castle)

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