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 Castle / 16927
16926  |  16928
Re: Castle Fun
Wed, 21 May 2003 18:14:55 GMT
714 times
What is your name?

How old are you?

What does real life mean for you?
Computer programming, and generally being a nerd.

Favorite Castle set?
Tough call. Possibilities:
- 6080 King's Castle
- 6067 Guarded Inn
- 6062 Battering Ram
- 6086 Black Knight's Castle

Favorite Personal MOC?
Favorite *castle* MOC I assume :)
I guess it'd have to be my village, though I have to admit I'm quite fond of
my recent rock golems.

Favorite Other MOC?
Hmm... Maybe Eric Brok's Frost Castle...

What is a project you'd like to do but just don't have the bricks?
A truer-to-life minifig scale castle :)

One with 10-15 foot thick outer walls, cuz honestly, who built castle walls
that were 1 or 2 feet thick? And very few windows (so fewer if any actual
castle wall pieces). And built on a realistic landscape like a craggy rock
outcropping, but not made from 95% BURPs. Something that takes up 6 or more
48x48 baseplates at the base. Something that's got a dungeon "dug in"
underground. And it's gotta look uber-cool :)

What would you like TLG to do with the castle line?

Revertion to classic style, really:

- More complex design (not just columns holding up a roof a la Harry Potter
or Leo's Castle).

- Continue subthemes beyond the release year. One of Lego's selling points
is reusability, but today's castle sets are hardly comparable to those in
days past. Compare to Playmobil's compatibility.

- Include more 'day-in-the-life' buildings

- Go back to openable, expandable castles. Love the ability to combine 2 or
more castles together to make a wicked cool castle.

- More 'generic' characters. Storylines to sell the product are nice, but
you need filler characters as well.

- Don't depend as much on raised baseplates for design. Perhaps some
smaller, more generic, raised baseplate landscapse would be cool, like a
16x16 "little hill" or boulder. CRAPP's aren't organic enough to be easily

- How about a "realistic" castle, aka "model of castle X"? Then you've got
the "we're teaching real history!" edge. Allow for historical blurbs along
with the set; IE "Castle X was built in xxxx by lord so-and-so. It's located
in some country and took a bunch of years to build! Here's some other random
historical fact that's interesting."

- Cool decorative pieces, maybe? IE I love the lion's head moulds (tho would
be nice in some other colors), how about some gargoyles, decorative
etchings, etc. (Some of this already exists, obviously, but I'll put in my
$.02 and say "more!")


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Castle Fun
(...) Hmm. Is there any way the AT-AT counts as a castle? It's big, gray, and hard to break into. :) My favorite part of Dave's village is the real emphasis on the agricultural basis of the community, like the crop and sheep here: (URL) the chicken (...) (21 years ago, 22-May-03, to lugnet.castle)

Message is in Reply To:
  Castle Fun
Hey all, it seems lugnet.castle has been kinda quiet lately, and since I don't have anything new to post, I thought it might be fun to do a little survey kinda thing. Just reply to this message and fill in the answers with your own. What is your (...) (21 years ago, 21-May-03, to lugnet.castle)  

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