Re: It's brawl night in the kiddie pool
Mon, 26 Nov 2001 14:19:27 GMT
677 times
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In, Tim Courtney writes:
> NO NO NO NO NO!!! Don't you see the point of all of our posts expressing
> our COMPLETE DISGUST with the Scott and Larry Show???!?!!!?! All you're
> doing here is continuing it
Check the post dates.
> with half a dozen more PETTY BICKERING POSTS
> amed at Larry.
> Grow up, get a life, go away.
Why is that people like you think it is OK for Larry to be a pest. But as
soon as I defend myself I'm a "troll"?
Is this the type of "debate" you want:
Scott A
> -Tim
> "Scott A" <> wrote in message
> > In, Larry Pieniazek writes:
> > > In, Lawrence Wilkes writes:
> > >
> > > > And whilst you (and they) might want to debate who started any particular >arguement, the fact is that the other is
> > > > always as guilty for simply perpetuating it.
> > >
> > > There's really nothing to debate. Scott's the twit who starts trouble
> > > whereever he goes. Go see, for example, where his hateful slime
> > > caused a great deal of hurt within LD.
> >
> > In the thread Larry mentions, I questioned a company who was apparently
> > noisily giving a token amount to the WTC charity. I questioned their
> > motives. Tim and John claimed that perhaps I was being insensitive. Perhaps I
> > was. I welcome both John and Tim's opinion (although not the tone). But I do
> > not want to be lectured to by Larry on this, as he has already made his
> > views clear on those seeking to gain from 911:
> >
> > ==+==
> > Dan:
> > > I think it's just plain sick! Any person wishing to buy, sell, trade
> > > and/or somehow turn a profit from debris soaked with the blood of their
> > > countrymen is worthless scum in my opinion. Larry:
> >
> > OK, I think excessive profiteering is a bit despicable, yes. But ponder
> > this. I would like to have a small piece of the WTC because I want a tangible
> > reminder of this tragedy, something to spark discussion with my kids or
> > grandkids, and don't ever want to forget that horrid day.
> > ==+==
> >
> > No doubt, if one is willing to pay a premium, a blood soaked piece of debris
> > can be had?
> >
> > Scott A
> >
> > > My only chargable offense is that I
> > > let him get to me too easily.
> >
> >
> >
> > >
> > > Like Chris said... he just keeps on getting worse and worse until I snap.
> > >
> > > Lugnet is better off without Scott Arthur. He contributes little or nothing
> > > positive and causes trouble wherever he goes. Banning him will generate a
> > > great deal of peace and quiet. Banning me means you're still stuck with his
> > > bile.
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: It's brawl night in the kiddie pool
| NO NO NO NO NO!!! Don't you see the point of all of our posts expressing our COMPLETE DISGUST with the Scott and Larry Show???!?!!!?! All you're doing here is continuing it with half a dozen more PETTY BICKERING POSTS amed at Larry. Grow up, get a (...) (23 years ago, 26-Nov-01, to
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