Re: It's brawl night in the kiddie pool
Sun, 25 Nov 2001 22:53:24 GMT
395 times
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I'll chime in here also as being sick of this. Part of me does want to
slap both participants. Part of me realizes that much as I hate to
single out folks, Scott seems to contribute almost nothing to Lugnet,
except for an occasional interesting .debate post, but it's getting hard
to find the wheat amongst the chaff. I'm not sure if he still sells, and
I did used to appreciate those posts, but I either haven't seen a Scott
Arthur sale/auction post in ages or something. I haven't really read the
bit in so I can't really comment on that.
I would like to see both participants spend more time actually
participating in the LEGO community. Larry certainly does, but I'd like
to see more. Larry do you ever build for yourself anymore? Your kits are
interesting, but I'd love to see more building (says the guy who spends
so much time buying and sorting he hasn't built much...). Scott, do you
ever build? I can't recall any posts about your building.
I think at this point that I would be in favor of banning both Scott and
Larry from .debate, and putting them on notice for the rest of Lugnet. I
would like to then see some kind of probation which would allow the
banning to be rescinded (which I'm sure Larry would easily complete,
Scott, can you commit to actually contributing to the LUG community
I have called in the past for .debate to be closed. I still wonder about
that, but I also do read the debates with interest. Perhaps what we need
is just a way for folks to complain about individuals, and when X (5?)
people make a complaint, that individual is banned from .debate until
they do Y (perhaps those making a complaint get to vote the person back
in after watching them participate in the rest of Lugnet in a positive
Incidentally, I'd be inclined to "complain" about folks who drag every
debate into the religion area in such a way as to stifle the original
debate. Too many debates have got mired down in religious yammering (I
won't call much of it debate, debate relies on the ability to apply
logic, all too often religious "debate"
heads in the direction where you can't debate it ["God told me X" "How
do you know God told you X, what if God told me Y" "But the Bible
says..." as one example]).
Message has 2 Replies:  | | Re: It's brawl night in the kiddie pool
| (...) I have made the choice only to post in a couple of groups. I read a great deal, but LUGENT is not the place it used to be. I agree that Larry does post more than me. The difference is, when I post outside this group I try to be 100% (...) (23 years ago, 26-Nov-01, to
|  | | Re: It's brawl night in the kiddie pool
| (...) Hooray! I read all eighteen hundred posts in all seventy threads, and this is the only solitary one that actually refers to LEGO BLOCKS! Thanks, Frank!! You win!!! How has this perfectly fun little toy brand come to be a means to an end for (...) (23 years ago, 27-Nov-01, to
Message is in Reply To:
 | | It's brawl night in the kiddie pool
| Howdy, I'd like to state that I'm really disgusted with the thread du jour and the two key participants. It was very nice here for about a month after the last big blowup. Why did you have to go and mess it up? Without going through the last month (...) (23 years ago, 25-Nov-01, to
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