Re: It's brawl night in the kiddie pool
Mon, 26 Nov 2001 03:35:29 GMT
383 times
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In, Christopher L. Weeks writes:
> Howdy,
> I'd like to state that I'm really disgusted with the thread du jour and the
> two key participants. It was very nice here for about a month after the last
> big blowup. Why did you have to go and mess it up?
> Without going through the last month of posts it seems to me that Scott, in
> very slight increments, turned up the heat toward Larry. Larry ignored it
> completely for a while -- and boy was it nice. And when some certain threshold
> was reached, Larry exploded. And now we have this current crap.
I've got to agree. But the crassness was cemented for me
when Scott jumped on LD for the auctions--that was so very
beyond the bounds of good taste, tact, and simple human empathy
that I'm still astounded (but not entirely suprised, sadly).
But the really disturbing part was that Larry's been descending
over the last few months--I've seen more and more posts that
I was almost *sure* were someone spoofing Larry. Much of the
Scott-n-Larry show has been mudslinging that should be beneath
*both* participants--but having met Larry on several occasions,
I find it more surprising and disappointing that he's wasting
vital energy on the ceaseless and useless cycle of recrimination.
I think what Richard posted in the other section of the thread
was right on--we got past that, everyone simmered down, and
all was right with the world again (especially now that we have
cypress trees a-comin'). I was happy to see that happen.
So, fergoshsakes, STOPITAWREDDY!
> Or maybe this kind of interaction only violates my own sense of aesthetic, and
> many of you disagree..? As a native midwesterner I have found deep differences
> in my expectations of how people should interact and those of the people in my
> current surrounds (New Jersey). So I guess I could be over reacting...but it
> doesn't feel like it.
Heh, Chris, I'd be really interested in hearing what you've
pegged, being one of the same category of folks myself. :)
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: It's brawl night in the kiddie pool
| (...) My view on that still stands. Perhaps I should have bit my lip or showed more tact, but my view still stands. I'm afraid I would rather have unpopular views than change my views to represent public opinion. Scott A (...) (23 years ago, 26-Nov-01, to
Message is in Reply To:
 | | It's brawl night in the kiddie pool
| Howdy, I'd like to state that I'm really disgusted with the thread du jour and the two key participants. It was very nice here for about a month after the last big blowup. Why did you have to go and mess it up? Without going through the last month (...) (23 years ago, 25-Nov-01, to
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