| | Re: Why do you love bley? David Laswell
| | (...) Are you sure your eyes are working correctly? The vast majority of the LEGO color palette has a warm tone to it, including "primary" blue, a color which is traditionally supposed to be the far extreme of the cool palette. The bleys have a very (...) (18 years ago, 9-May-07, to lugnet.color, FTX)
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| |  | | Re: Why do you love bley? Timothy P. Smith
| | | | (...) And Tan. And all the blues. And Dark Red. And it works fine in Technic models with Yellow, Red, White, etc. Actually, I like the new Aquaraiders sets, and they use a variety of colors with Bley, and nothing really clashes. (I've seen lots of (...) (18 years ago, 9-May-07, to lugnet.color, FTX)
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| | | |  | | Re: Why do you love bley? Allister McLaren
| | | | | | (...) They're talking about making incandescents illegal here in Aus (or possibly just in QLD) fairly soon, with subsidies for switching to compact flourescents. Gladly they come in a range of colour temperatures these days, so you're not limited to (...) (18 years ago, 9-May-07, to lugnet.color, FTX)
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| | | | | |  | | Re: Why do you love bley? Timothy P. Smith
| | | | | | | (...) Yeah, that's what I got- 'warm white'. They aren't the same color as warm-white incandescents by any means. Those are yellowy, the CF's aren't as yellow. I haven't switched entirely- I bought a pack of them, and I'm replacing bulbs as my (...) (18 years ago, 9-May-07, to lugnet.color, FTX)
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| | | | | | |  | | Color filters (was: Why do you love bley?) Rafe Donahue
| | | | | | | All this color talk has me finally posting something I have been thinking for awhile: My biggest problem with the greys and bleys is that it is hard for me to be consistent when I want to be consistent. If I need, say, eight 1x2 plates in grey or in (...) (18 years ago, 9-May-07, to lugnet.color, FTX)
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| | | | | | |  | | Re: Color filters (was: Why do you love bley?) Timothy Gould
| | | | | | | | (...) I too suffer colour blindness so I have to keep them separate. This also makes it much easier when I want to build exclusively in one colour since it's already separated out. I agree it can be a pain though and I have been caught out before (...) (18 years ago, 9-May-07, to lugnet.color, FTX)
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| | | | | | | |  | | Re: Color filters (was: Why do you love bley?) David Laswell
| | | | | | | | | (...) Try using a blacklight (the flourescent variety, as the incandescent types barely produce any UV). TNG lights up very brightly, while trans-yellow is just trans-yellow (unless it's the original Toa eyestalk or Kaukau mask, which are actually a (...) (18 years ago, 10-May-07, to lugnet.color, FTX)
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| | | | | | |  | | Re: Color filters (was: Why do you love bley?) Timothy P. Smith
| | | | | | | (...) For me, either fluorescent light or bright sunlight work well. But just keeping the parts separate like Tim said would be a lot faster. (18 years ago, 9-May-07, to lugnet.color, FTX)
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| | | |  | | Re: Why do you love bley? David Laswell
| | | | | (...) Nope, it's warm. (...) Sand-blue and dark-blue, yes. Regular blue is warm. I haven't really checked any of the lesser shades of blue, but I doubt it would look good with Maersk-blue, and dark-bley does ugly things to medium-blue (for some odd (...) (18 years ago, 9-May-07, to lugnet.color, FTX)
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| | | | |  | | Re: Why do you love bley? Timothy P. Smith
| | | | | | (...) David, are you seriously going to tell me that what I like in colors isn't correct? If so, you've got bigger issues than the color change. I used Tan with new greys in (URL) building>, for example. It's one thing for you to tell me you don't (...) (18 years ago, 9-May-07, to lugnet.color, FTX)
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| | | | | |  | | Re: Why do you love bley? David Laswell
| | | | | | | (...) I never said there was anything wrong with liking them, just that they don't match well with tan because tan is a warm color while the bleys are unusually cool for a LEGO color. Although, given the abundance of shades and tints used in your (...) (18 years ago, 10-May-07, to lugnet.color, FTX)
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| | | | | | |  | | Re: Why do you love bley? Timothy P. Smith
| | | | | | | (...) Yeah, the shortage of doors and windows is a whole different line of ranting. In other words, I agree with that part- the red door is out of place with all the other colors. But note that Red, Tan, Dark Red are all *warm* colors. (18 years ago, 11-May-07, to lugnet.color, FTX)
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| | | | | | |  | | Re: Why do you love bley? David Laswell
| | | | | | | (...) There are other colors available on Bricklink. I'm not sure which would work best with that particular look, but it's also not my MOC. As much as it pains me to admit this, if it didn't have such a Navajo geometric vibe going on, I'd even (...) (18 years ago, 12-May-07, to lugnet.color, FTX)
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| | | | | | |  | | Re: Why do you love bley? Timothy P. Smith
| | | | | | | (...) Thanks David. I didn't consciously choose the Navajo Geometric, but that must have been in my mind, because I agreed with that as soon as I read it. (...) True, but one of my goals with this was to build with parts on hand. That's part of the (...) (18 years ago, 13-May-07, to lugnet.color, FTX)
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| | | | |  | | Re: Why do you love bley? Richie Dulin
| | | | | (...) What reason? You seem to have come up with 'reasons' to support most of your assertions in this thread - why not this one? Cheers Richie Dulin (18 years ago, 9-May-07, to lugnet.color, FTX)
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| | | | |  | | Re: Why do you love bley? Timothy P. Smith
| | | | | (...) Truthfully, Orange clashes with a lot of colors. Even the pretty ones. (18 years ago, 10-May-07, to lugnet.color, FTX)
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| | | | |  | | Re: Why do you love bley? Timothy Gould
| | | | | | (...) Works well enough with red, white and blue and I'm pretty sure I've seen it working well with dark bley although that may have been a different orange. Tim (18 years ago, 10-May-07, to lugnet.color, FTX)
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| | | | | |  | | Re: Why do you love bley? Timothy P. Smith
| | | | | | | (...) True enough. Like any color, it depends on what you are doing with it and what other colors are involved. For building a tiger, Orange would be my first choice. (18 years ago, 10-May-07, to lugnet.color, FTX)
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| | | | |  | | Re: Why do you love bley? Richie Dulin
| | | | | (...) I'm not saying it doesn't... but given the outpouring of colour wisdom in this thread, I'm keen to read the explanation. (I'm sure it will be insightful and enlightening.) Cheers Richie Dulin (18 years ago, 10-May-07, to lugnet.color, FTX)
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| |  | | Re: Why do you love bley? Timothy Gould
| | | | (...) Actually I'm quite sure they are not but I still think bley looks better and as far as I know it doesn't fit in the range of error for my eyes. (...) I'd like to see some sort of citation or evidence for this. (URL) Isodomos> has a very (...) (18 years ago, 9-May-07, to lugnet.color, FTX)
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| | | |  | | Re: Why do you love bley? David Laswell
| | | | | | (...) Well, when I was doing theatre lighting work, I was one of the few people who could color-match Rosco gels by eye. Maybe I just have an unusually well-developed eye for colors. Regardless, take a blue brick to an art store and compare it to (...) (18 years ago, 9-May-07, to lugnet.color, FTX)
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| | | | | |  | | Re: Why do you love bley? Timothy Gould
| | | | | | | (...) I think you misunderstood my request. I wanted evidence, not a description of your ability to match gels in theater work. From your response it seems to me that you have a bare minimum knowledge of colour theory which you're twisting to suit (...) (18 years ago, 9-May-07, to lugnet.color, FTX)
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| | | | | | |  | | Re: Why do you love bley? David Laswell
| | | | | | | (...) It has been a few years since I was actively working in theatrical lighting, I don't have ready access to my lighting design texts, I don't have the color temperature chart memorized, and I don't have access to any type of spectroscope. I (...) (18 years ago, 10-May-07, to lugnet.color, FTX)
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| | | | | | |  | | Re: Why do you love bley? Timothy Gould
| | | | | | | | (...) So basically your entire argument isn't based on any sort of colour theory but your own opinion. Why then, did you try to bring up a theory you could neither provide evidence for or even discuss? (...) I don't need to prove anything. My (...) (18 years ago, 11-May-07, to lugnet.color, FTX)
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| | | | | | | |  | | Re: Why do you love bley? David Laswell
| | | | | | | | | (...) "My reasons are as follows: ...More attractive hues which better match other LEGO colours" Looks like a statement of (supposed) fact to me. So, you presented it as fact. You demanded evidence when I informed you that you were wrong. You don't (...) (18 years ago, 12-May-07, to lugnet.color, FTX)
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| | | | | | | | |  | | Re: Why do you love bley? Timothy Gould
| | | | | | | | | | (...) This is the most pathetic cop-out for not giving an argument I've ever seen. If that looks like a statement of fact to you then, to paraphase you, are you sure your brain is working correctly? It has been clear that you had no real argument (...) (18 years ago, 12-May-07, to lugnet.color, FTX)
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| | | | | | | | |  | | Re: Why do you love bley? Jeff Stembel
| | | | | | | | | (...) Attraction is virtually by definition opinion based. What one person finds attractive, you can pretty much be guaranteed you can find someone who doesn't. How you could take a statement about it as anything else is beyond me. Jeff (18 years ago, 12-May-07, to lugnet.color, FTX)
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| | | | | | |  | | Re: Why do you love bley? Allister McLaren
| | | | | | | (...) Who can argue with evidence this compelling? (...) Ah, the ol' Burden of Proof Switcheroo. Ballsy. (...) That, or the insanely flourescent lights in his house. (...) Hmmm... Interesting, (...) That's a long way up, but I'm sure Toy'r'Us know (...) (18 years ago, 11-May-07, to lugnet.color, FTX)
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| | | |  | | Re: Why do you love bley? Thomas Stangl
| | | | | (...) Environmentally preferable? Why, because the lower power requirement? Then go with LEDs - at least you won't be polluting the environment with mercury when replacing your CFLs. FYI, incans are purported to quadruple in efficiency within 5-10 (...) (18 years ago, 11-May-07, to lugnet.color)
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| | | | |  | | Re: Why do you love bley? Timothy P. Smith
| | | | | (...) This has been in the news recently. Although CF bulbs do contain up to 5 milligrams of mercury (and should be recycled) the *overall* pollution produced by the bulb manufacture and the power to light it over its lifetime is greater for (...) (18 years ago, 11-May-07, to lugnet.color)
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| | | | |  | | Re: Why do you love bley? Richie Dulin
| | | | | | (...) And some people from those other great nations, Myanmar and Liberia. Cheers Richie Dulin (18 years ago, 11-May-07, to lugnet.color)
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| | | | |  | | Re: Why do you love bley? Thomas Stangl
| | | | | (...) ... (...) I'm not arguing against them, I'm just pointing out deficiencies that too many people ignore or gloss over entirely. Except for the dimmable fixtures in my house, all the rest were converted to CFLs the day I moved in (using bulbs (...) (18 years ago, 20-May-07, to lugnet.color)
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| |  | | Re: Why do you love bley? Aaron M. Sneary
| | | | (...) (snipped) As a trained graphic designer, and self-proclaimed student of color, I would like to point out that most art instruction books, professors, and other color experts state that pairing warm and cool colors creates stronger contrast and (...) (18 years ago, 9-May-07, to lugnet.color, FTX)
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| | | |  | | Re: Why do you love bley? David Laswell
| | | | (...) I fully understand the concept of contrasting cool/warm tones. It's one of the first things I was taught regarding theatrical lighting design (though heavily weighted with the idea that you use a strong color for the primary lights, with a (...) (18 years ago, 10-May-07, to lugnet.color, FTX)
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| | | |  | | Re: Why do you love bley? Jeff Stembel
| | | | | (...) And I think this argument is crap. I'd be incredibly surprised if the new bley colors in display pieces made any more than a tiny fraction of a percentage difference in parental purchasing (and probably none at all when a child decides). (...) (18 years ago, 11-May-07, to lugnet.color, FTX)
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| | | | |  | | Re: Why do you love bley? David Laswell
| | | | | | | (...) Not every marketing decision works out as well as intended. In the initial announcement, TLC said that they had done marketing groups in the interest of supposedly bringing four colors more in line with the rest of the LEGO color palette, and (...) (18 years ago, 11-May-07, to lugnet.color, FTX)
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| | | | | | |  | | Re: Why do you love bley? Timothy P. Smith
| | | | | | | | | (...) That's the factor that makes the rest of it make sense. Obviously, the focus groups happened in office buildings, under cool-white fluorescent tubes. There's no way they did it outdoors, or under banks of incandescents, or LED's or anything (...) (18 years ago, 12-May-07, to lugnet.color, FTX)
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| | | | | | |  | | Re: Why do you love bley? Jeff Stembel
| | | | | | | | (...) This is, again, crap. You're making a gross generalization about an incredibly diverse group of people. A large number of people I've personally talked to think the bleys DO work better with Lego's color scheme; their issue with the color (...) (18 years ago, 13-May-07, to lugnet.color, FTX)
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| | | | |  | | Re: Why do you love bley? David Eaton
| | | | | | (...) The sad thing is, I think it's actually true. Not necessarily that it was done for the retail environment, but that the color change was done to give the pieces more visual "pop", and because the old colors (in contrast) look old and (...) (18 years ago, 11-May-07, to lugnet.color, FTX)
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| | | |  | | Re: Why do you love bley? Allister McLaren
| | | | | (...) Like rain on your wedding day. (...) That's cool. People believe all kinds of outlandish stuff. (...) I think, and I could be wrong, the point was that your 'theory' only makes sense if the Lego is actually on display, and even if it was, the (...) (18 years ago, 11-May-07, to lugnet.color, FTX)
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| | | |  | | Re: Why do you love bley? Aaron M. Sneary
| | | | (...) No, it is you who misunderstood me. I get that you think the choice is marketing. I'm stating that due to significant graphic manipulation on LEGO packaging, and the limited (and usually in shadow) displays, that most parents and children (...) (18 years ago, 11-May-07, to lugnet.color, FTX)
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