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Re: Could TLG Answer our prayers?...A Millenium Falcon
Mon, 19 Apr 1999 17:09:15 GMT
1795 times
I think if the choice for TLG was to scale the cockpit down by putting one
minifig behind another or to skip the MF altogether and miss out on a sure
winner, they would chose the former.  Are their _any_ Lego space sets (or town
for that matter) which accomodate two minifigs sitting side by side?  And if
they made a cockpit to accomodate two minifigs across that was a little out of
proportion to the rest of the ship, who would complain?

The necessary elements for a decent MF would be similar to those in the Kenner
MF:  cockpit seating for at least two, a chess table area accomodating several
minifigs, a gunner's seat, and probably a lowering exit ramp.

And if they had to JRize the MF to price it in the $80-$100 range, do you
really think they wouldn't?  They have obviously been willing to go out of
their way to make new parts for the SW sets, and the Mindstorms R2D2 seems to
have JRization on a whole new scale with its huge dome on top.  I'd welcome
some JRization if it was needed to strengthen the insides of the ship, or to
model the rounded walls.  I'd prefer to see the top and bottoms modeled with
regular slopes, which considering the amount of slopes used in the X-wing
wouldn't suprise me.

They will come out with a MF, and it will have Han and Chewie with it.  And of
course it will be expensive, but who cares?  It is _the_ SW ship, and no SW
line would be complete without it.  The only other option I could see is a
Model Team MF which would be more realistic but less minifig friendly.

-John Van

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Could TLG Answer our prayers?...A Millenium Falcon
(...) ... more so for the EP1 sets ... (...) That's not Jr., that's a good old-fashioned specialized piece. What *else* are you going to do with that thing, except use it as R2D2's face? (...) I thought the X-Wing was *the* SW ship. Steve (25 years ago, 19-Apr-99, to lugnet.starwars)
  Re: Could TLG Answer our prayers?...A Millenium Falcon
(...) The Landspeeder. All of the cars/trucks in the Adventurers line. (And I'm wondering how well that one-piece passenger compartment from the Adventurers would work as the base for an AT-AT 'head') (...) Depends on how badly out of proportion it (...) (25 years ago, 20-Apr-99, to lugnet.starwars)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Could TLG Answer our prayers?...A Millenium Falcon
Probability of the TLG coming out with the Millennium Falcon = 0.00001% chance Probability of the TLG coming out with the Millennium Falcon (in dream land) = 99.87% [1] In other words, in all probability, you are dreaming! As previously noted, the (...) (25 years ago, 19-Apr-99, to lugnet.starwars)

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