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 Star Wars / 1514
1513  |  1515
Re: Could TLG Answer our prayers?...A Millenium Falcon
Thu, 22 Apr 1999 00:03:45 GMT
2287 times
On Wed, 21 Apr 1999 22:18:34 GMT, "Jesse Long" <> wrote:

Terry K wrote in message <>...
I think RotJ was the least appreciated because of the perception that the
series had done a cardinal sin by trying to be "cute".   The Ewoks were • just to
cute, something I hate to see in a good movie.  Taking the series as a • whole,
the presence of the Ewoks is a jarringly sour note.

So what makes people think that TPM, which stars a child for crying out
loud, isn't going to be just as cute and lame?

A very valid question.  One can only hope.
But one boy thrust into the center of galactic events could be a subject
handled without reverting to being cute.  I hope so, anyway.

The Ewoks, on the other hand, were primarily portrayed as being cute little
fuzzy bear-type beings.  Something that could appeal to toddlers.

-- Terry K --

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Could TLG Answer our prayers?...A Millenium Falcon
(...) Very true. Interesting that the second trailer barely mentions Anakin (I hate when movies change advertising, and make themselves look like an entirely different movie!). (...) Plus, there's the hokey plot-line problem. Natives discover white (...) (25 years ago, 22-Apr-99, to lugnet.starwars)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Could TLG Answer our prayers?...A Millenium Falcon
Terry K wrote in message <>... (...) just to (...) whole, (...) So what makes people think that TPM, which stars a child for crying out loud, isn't going to be just as cute and lame? Jesse ___...___ Jesse The Jolly (...) (25 years ago, 21-Apr-99, to lugnet.starwars)

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