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 Star Wars / 1478
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Re: Could TLG Answer our prayers?...A Millenium Falcon
Wed, 21 Apr 1999 04:10:37 GMT
1920 times
In lugnet.starwars, Karim Nassar writes:
Tom McDonald wrote:

To me it seems a ship cockpit canopy or AT-AT 'head' would have to be at • least
six studs wide rather than use the one-piece ~5-stud passenger compartments
found in the Adventurers' cars. In looking at that piece in front of me • with a
minifig sitting in it, the minifig's arms can rest on top of his "door", • like
a human passenger can do with a 1:1 car with the windows down, but not • inside
the door.

This may be appocryphal, because I don't have the piece in front of me, but • doesn'
t the piece in question have a stud (representing door handles) on the • outside of
the "door" panels?  If so (Again, I'm not sure about this), one could seal up • the
cockpit by placing plates vertically on the studs...  Anyway, just an odd idea
thinking outside the box (no pun intended) at midnight.

It's not appocryphal. And I'm a bit surprised that it's *you* that even
thought it could be ;-)

Yes, that piece has studs representing door handles. I suppose it could be
done. But my last part of the previous did have a big UNLESS in it :)  I just
have a feeling TLG won't use it because it doesn't fit four minifigs, and it
has a solid back wall. The MF's back cockpit wall has a hatch.

See Derek's model of the MF in another strand of this thread. It's more simple
but quite accomodating.

-Tom McD.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Could TLG Answer our prayers?...A Millenium Falcon
(...) This may be appocryphal, because I don't have the piece in front of me, but doesn' t the piece in question have a stud (representing door handles) on the outside of the "door" panels? If so (Again, I'm not sure about this), one could seal up (...) (25 years ago, 21-Apr-99, to lugnet.starwars)

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