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 Star Wars / 1477
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Re: Could TLG Answer our prayers?...A Millenium Falcon
Wed, 21 Apr 1999 04:04:07 GMT
2040 times
In lugnet.starwars, Derek Schin writes:
Well, the Millenium Falcon model on my page is built exactly to minifig
scale. • <snip>
And of course pictures are at

That's very cool! I like the control station in the lounge. I wish you had a
round 4x4 plate for the holo-chess table. Chewie is an interesting
improvisation too.

Okay, now for the hard part: how many pieces is it? :)

-Tom McD.
when replying add syrup to the spamcake.

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Could TLG Answer our prayers?...A Millenium Falcon
Tom McDonald wrote in message ... (...) I really wish I knew. Since I never plan on taking it apart, I'll probably never know, either. As for modeling it in LDraw...I don't think so. We're certainly talking about thousands of pieces here. :Derek (25 years ago, 22-Apr-99, to lugnet.starwars)
  Re: Could TLG Answer our prayers?...A Millenium Falcon
(...) would the 4 x 4 round with holes from the y-wing engines work? (25 years ago, 22-Apr-99, to lugnet.starwars)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Could TLG Answer our prayers?...A Millenium Falcon
John VanZwieten wrote in message ... (...) across. (...) cockpit (...) Well, the Millenium Falcon model on my page is built exactly to minifig scale. The math alone almost killed me when I built it (measure length of random part from book; convert (...) (25 years ago, 21-Apr-99, to lugnet.starwars)

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