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 Star Wars / 1511
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Re: Could TLG Answer our prayers?...A Millenium Falcon
Wed, 21 Apr 1999 22:18:34 GMT
2153 times
Terry K wrote in message <>...
I think RotJ was the least appreciated because of the perception that the
series had done a cardinal sin by trying to be "cute".   The Ewoks were • just to
cute, something I hate to see in a good movie.  Taking the series as a • whole,
the presence of the Ewoks is a jarringly sour note.

So what makes people think that TPM, which stars a child for crying out
loud, isn't going to be just as cute and lame?


Jesse The Jolly Jingoist
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Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Could TLG Answer our prayers?...A Millenium Falcon
(...) A very valid question. One can only hope. But one boy thrust into the center of galactic events could be a subject handled without reverting to being cute. I hope so, anyway. The Ewoks, on the other hand, were primarily portrayed as being cute (...) (25 years ago, 22-Apr-99, to lugnet.starwars)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Could TLG Answer our prayers?...A Millenium Falcon
I think RotJ was the least appreciated because of the perception that the series had done a cardinal sin by trying to be "cute". The Ewoks were just to cute, something I hate to see in a good movie. Taking the series as a whole, the presence of the (...) (25 years ago, 21-Apr-99, to lugnet.starwars)

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