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Re: LPub 4 Status
Mon, 24 Mar 2008 00:17:24 GMT
10709 times
In, Michael Heidemann wrote:
LDView and MLCad shows a way for solving this issue.
In the MLCad.ini you can define alternate search path for parts, so you do not
have to mix official and unofficial parts.
Also LDView has the possibility to search in different directories.

Additionally, LDView is hard-coded to look in the <LDrawDir>/Unofficial/Parts
and <LDrawDir>/Unofficial/p directories when it doesn't find a part in its
search path.  It then attempts to download unofficial parts from the part
tracker into that directory if it can't find the part (assuming the user hasn't
disabled this feature).

It could be argued that the user should be able to configure where unofficial
parts get downloaded to, but I'm not sure I'll ever implement that.  The way it
is now basically produces a de-facto standard for anyone using LDView, and
adding a configuration option for this would defeat that.

As it happens, BrickSmith on the Mac has these directories in its search path
also (which was purely coincidental; Allen and I didn't talk about it, and
neither of us was aware of the other's use of that directory at the time we did
our implementation).

Willy has a tutorial and sample MLCad.ini file that sets up MLCad to look in
these Unofficial directories.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: LPub 4 Status
(...) Hi Kevin, I bet you've already found what Travis's talking about; if not the tutorial can be found here: (URL) I used <LDRAWDIR>Unofficial_Parts since MLCad was the first prog supporting unofficial parts but agreed with Travis and Allen to (...) (16 years ago, 24-Mar-08, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: LPub 4 Status
(...) LDView and MLCad shows a way for solving this issue. In the MLCad.ini you can define alternate search path for parts, so you do not have to mix official and unofficial parts. Also LDView has the possibility to search in different directories. (...) (16 years ago, 24-Mar-08, to

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