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Re: Hypothetically Speaking...
Mon, 11 Dec 2000 04:51:43 GMT
1104 times
In lugnet.trains, John Neal writes:
Some questions which I would like all LTDs (LEGO Train Dudes) to ponder
and discuss:

What if the guy/gal in charge of designing LEGO trains posted here and
asked, "Should we continue to design LEGO trains 6 wide or begin to
design them 8 wide?"  What would be your response?  Would you care
necessarily?  What if he/she also said, "We're also going to offer
larger radius track curves, new points, DCC; eventually the works."
Would that influence your preference between 6/8 wide?

Or, if TLC just out of the blue started producing 8 wide trains, how
would you feel about it?  Would you just accept it and build from there,
or would you feel that 6 wide was better and consider it another bad
move by TLC?  Or would you just be happy that TLC was producing more
trains again-- 6 wide, 8 wide--whatever?

I have a sense of how people feel about the subject, but I wanted some
direct feedback to see whether or not I am all wet.  These are purely
hypothetical questions:-)

My final verdict?
1.Continue current 9V line with optional DCC upgrade (decoders in the power
2.Offer couplers similar to Aristo-Craft G-scale trains(spring-loaded
knuckle couplers)with option of continuing with current magnetic couplings.
3.6 wide trains (think of the average persons floor space with living
conditions getting increasingly crowded in our world).
4. And like I've stated before, upgrade the 12V line to 9V standards (sucks
the venom right out of this 'juniorization' maliase).-Harvey


Message is in Reply To:
  Hypothetically Speaking...
Some questions which I would like all LTDs (LEGO Train Dudes) to ponder and discuss: What if the guy/gal in charge of designing LEGO trains posted here and asked, "Should we continue to design LEGO trains 6 wide or begin to design them 8 wide?" What (...) (24 years ago, 9-Dec-00, to lugnet.trains) ! 

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