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Re: Shop at Home up and running?
Wed, 18 Oct 2000 01:06:47 GMT
49 times
"Scott A" <> wrote in message
Todd told me that Brad told him. So either Todd was fooled, Todd is a • liar,
I'm a liar or you're wrong. I know which way I'm betting.

When I was a kid, I wrote a letter to Dennis the Menace. He wrote back • after a
month or so with a bland letter which was both signed by him and his dog
(Gnasher). My father confirmed to me that this was the real McCoy.

So either I was fooled or a cartoon dog can sign its own name. I think I • know

Scott A

When I was graduating from college I sent a graduation announctment to the
President (Ronald Reagan at the time).  A few weeks later I received a very
nice correspondance from the White House with the President't regrets but
"he wished me well in my future endeavors".  My mom had a friend who worked
at the White House for a while who had told us that they had a small group
of people that did nothing but reply for the President for invitations to
weddings, birthday parties, graduations, etc.  I still have my reply from
Ron somewhere ...  ;-)

Mike -


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Shop at Home up and running?
(...) When I was a kid, I wrote a letter to Dennis the Menace. He wrote back after a month or so with a bland letter which was both signed by him and his dog (Gnasher). My father confirmed to me that this was the real McCoy. So either I was fooled (...) (24 years ago, 17-Oct-00, to

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