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 Off-Topic / Debate / 9904
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Re: Toys used to be so much better
Sat, 7 Apr 2001 19:40:26 GMT
382 times
In, Aaron West writes:

Anybody know how Spike could sit inside Bumblebee?

Because he turned into a VW Beetle that's how Duhh!

Or how Soundwave could shoot with Megatron?


And just where did Optimus Prime's trailer go when he transformed?

I assume he left it behind like the toy does. I never actually got to see
the cartoon.


Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: Toys used to be so much better
(...) Transformers the cartoon was pretty cool, considering it actually had a plot, which most cartoons in this day and age seem to lack (except for like Batman and Gargoyles). All in all though when it comes to mechs nothing beats Voltron! : ) (...) (24 years ago, 7-Apr-01, to
  Re: Toys used to be so much better
(...) You not watch cartoon, that why you not understand... 1) Spike was human, average size. Bumblebee, the robot, was average human size. When he transforms, suddenly he's bigger than a human. Whatever happened to physics?! Conservation of (...) (24 years ago, 8-Apr-01, to
  Re: Toys used to be so much better
(...) They recently did an 'I love 198x' thing on telly, showing transformers amongst the brat-pack movie clips. They slated Soundwave, asking how this giant robot turned into a little tape player - completely missing the point that the toy was just (...) (24 years ago, 10-Apr-01, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Toys used to be so much better
(...) Transformations *are* cool, big freakin' robots *are* cool, but Hasbro's Transformers *do* suck. So did the cartoon. Anybody know how Spike could sit inside Bumblebee? Or how Soundwave could shoot with Megatron? And just where did Optimus (...) (24 years ago, 7-Apr-01, to

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