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 Off-Topic / Debate / 9926
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Re: Toys used to be so much better
Sun, 8 Apr 2001 17:10:35 GMT
359 times
in article, Aaron West wrote:

In, Steve Lane writes:
In, Aaron West writes:

Transformers still suck.
Captain West, LSF Ertbergle

I can't believe you said that! My jaw has just dropped onto the floor! Are
you MAD! Their robots that turn into things! What aspect of Tranformers
isn't totally brilliant?


Transformations *are* cool, big freakin' robots *are* cool, but Hasbro's
Transformers *do* suck.

Not when you look at them from a play value/cost standpoint. You could get
an Autobot car for about $8.00 back in the day. conversely, Jetfire (VF-1
fighter) cost about $40. The Alpha I had was around $25-30 and the SDF-1 was
a similar price. Of course something more complex and detailed is going to
cost more.

So did the cartoon.  Anybody know how Spike could
sit inside Bumblebee?  Or how Soundwave could shoot with Megatron?  And just
where did Optimus Prime's trailer go when he transformed?

I wondered about this stuff, but it never stopped me from enjoying the

My vendetta began when I was a wee lad and the ones that I received for
X-Mas broke after transforming 3 times, and I am a very careful person.

I never had this problem. Maybe you aren't as careful as you think? ;^)

~1st Lieutenant, Fleebnork Division Muffin Head
Mark's Lego(R) Creations

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Toys used to be so much better
<Sneep> (...) Dare yo question my carfelnees?!? I ar the mest crewful person I new!! Oops, I bimped my heed agast thee waal agen?!?! Ooch! Aaron West, Captain LSF Ertbergle (24 years ago, 8-Apr-01, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Toys used to be so much better
(...) Transformations *are* cool, big freakin' robots *are* cool, but Hasbro's Transformers *do* suck. So did the cartoon. Anybody know how Spike could sit inside Bumblebee? Or how Soundwave could shoot with Megatron? And just where did Optimus (...) (24 years ago, 7-Apr-01, to

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