Re: Toys used to be so much better
Mon, 9 Apr 2001 19:10:52 GMT
197 times
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In, Maggie Cambron writes:
> And, say what you will about Playmobil, they too turn out
> great sets.
They used too. I used to be a huge Playmobil collector. I have 100's of sets.
All in original boxes too. But I've noticed a steady decline in quality the
last 2-3 years, also the company itself has really become hard to deal with as
well. Always was a hard to deal with company but now its even worse.
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| (...) It's true. The Barbie I played with as a child had clothes with real buttons and zippers rather than cheap strips of Velcro. My Creepy Crawler maker had molds made of real metal. My Schwinn bicycle with the balloon tires later became trendy as (...) (24 years ago, 8-Apr-01, to
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